I have traveled thousand and thousands plus miles into a new time zone, just so I can live your future and you can live my past. Excuse me one second, Yea, Ill take a 7&7 please, light on the 7up, heavy on the you know. Now, as i was saying i came along way not just to the island of Japan, but in life in general.
Lets dip into the past, shall we?
Everyone knew the shy, humble, soft spoken girl. The girl that a lot of people secretly admired. The girl that didn't even know herself, How ironic. The girl who had a lot to say but never quite spoke her mind when the time was right. The girl who had nothing to hide but herself from the rest of the world. So creative and endowed with her abilities. Only a few people knew, but that was enough to push her to stop day dreaming and make a reality of it. That girl was weak. I hate to say it but she was. Many knew her name but she couldn't hold her own. Let's face it she was a little girl at heart if she had heart at all. I don't affiliate myself with the weak cus that's wack.
Now back to the future
Old news behind me left that in 08 with shigurl. Shyt Im even in a new land, breathing in new air, walking in my new shoes. Taking pictures of this new world, perceiving things with this new mindset. Brand-new to some and I'll take that L anyday. If i must say i aint never been a threat to my own self as i am now. TERRORIST! MURDERER! Yes i killed her. I got the best lawyer in the world, my savior. Guess what im stronger than i ever was. Who is LuLu Bichon? That's a good question you'll never figure that out. Okay Ill give you a hint, LuLu Bichon is nothing more than a strong astronomical force to the world with out. The world with in is already taken care of. This Real World today got me in Tokyo for the moment, blogging to the rest of the world who wont get to see it till tomorrow. Im no better than you by any means. I just make better choices, that's better for my well being.
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