Depending on where you travel to, JET LAG can be pretty intense. I have been in Japan for a little over three weeks, now and i must say it took me a while to adjust. I remember the night that we arrived, we were told that we had to get up at 7 am. OMG i had been up for a whole 24hrs and then they wanted me to get up at 7am JAPAN TIME. It was crazy. If you read my previous post LOST IN TRANSLATION, you'll a gist of why it was so overwhelming. When you finally do adjust you'll kinda wish u never did. You'll always be tired no matter what, There is so much to see in Tokyo and as a study abroad student you have no choice but to walk or or bike every where you go. If you weren't fit when you came to Tokyo, you definitely be fit by the time you leave.
So to answer my Post Title question, you know that you are over jet lag when your body adjust to the Japan's timezone. I'll say it took me about 2 and half weeks. I never changed the time of my ipod or computer to Japan's timezone. WHY??? Well because it just helps me think about what i would be doing around that time if I was home. There is a major 14 hour difference. It also helps me keep track of when it would be a good time to call family and friends. In all, Jet Lag is not that bad when your abroad. In my eyes, it comes with the experience.
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