Saturday, February 14, 2009

Have you ever felt inspired?

Im pretty sure the answer for many of you all is yes as it is for me too, but today was an inspiration like nothing O experienced before. 

Let me ask you another question. Do you yearn for something so badly that it starts to eat away at you? Do you have sleepless nights thinking about what seems so unattainable? 

Even in the coldest of hearts, we all yearn for something. In my case, this yearning led to change. I wanted to find myself. I wanted to know what my true capabilities were. I wanted to be STRONG, CONFIDENT, and most importantly see JAPAN FOR MYSELF.

This past summer I spent a lot of my time focusing on my goals and my overall well being. I picked up a couple books and familiarized myself with some terms of endearment. 

In my twenty years of being here on this earth, I realize that we all go through changes. In the midst of those changes, we can either lose friends or gain them, make mistakes and learn from them or in a in worst case scenario stay the same. 

Today I was inspired by a video on youtube with this young girl, who went through some trials and tribulations of her own, which she explains in her video. Her CONFIDENCE and STRENGTH reeks (in a good way) through out the video and by me still being on my journey to finding myself I saw this as being very inspirational and encouraging. Everything she said solidified what I have been reading and how I feel. 

One of the highlights for me was when she touched on the subject of going natural. Which was something that has always been in the back of my mind and something I'm definately going to pursue now.  For me this signifies BOLDNESS because so many black women talk about doing it for years and never do it. 

Having Relaxed hair perpetuates the beauty myth, which if you all didn't know is conforming to society's standards of beauty. These standard's include (straight hair, blonde hair, being skinny, etc) I could go on and on. A woman's hair is an attachment, and very hard to let go no matter what length it is. Going Natural often times requires one to cut all their hair off. This process is better known as the Big Chop.

MY POINT is that for the first time today I felt that my attempt to change is well worth it and everything I've been yearning for is attainable. It's right in my grasps. I can see it and almost touch it. 

Feeling Inspired I took a walk in my neighborhood of Ontakesean, where I'm staying while I'm here in Japan. Take a look at the video.

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