I took these pictures at a school fashion held in Tokyo. I was able to capture these moments and put together a piece I'd like to call "TRANSITIONS", LOL. Im only laughing cus i think i sound like one of those artisty characters who get overly indulged in their work.
Anywho photography's not my niche but i took at stab at it. Hope you all enjoy.
Transitions- The Continuous Changing Moments of Life

More Meaning Behind the Title
If you notice the subject starts out at one position (first pic) and ends at his last position (last pic). The subject can't get to his final pose with out the moments that occured in between. My meaning for this piece is more in depth than the pixels that you see displayed before you.
In life you start out at one point and end at another. However, it is the moments in between that get you from start to finish. Better yet, the moments in between are what make your life, LIFE.
Applying This To a Dream
The very first time that you realize that you want to make a dream a reality is when your moments in between are most precious. From here on, you have total control of your destiny. You'll transition from a caterpillar to a butterfly with the most beautiful wings one could ever see.
Sound like you in a zone, butterfly....GREAT